At St Francis Catholic Primary School any concerns or reasonable suspicions about a student’s safety and wellbeing or the behaviour of a staff member or volunteer which a student considers to be inappropriate, will continue to be managed in accordance with Rockhampton Catholic Education Student Protection Processes.
The Student Protection Contacts at St Francis Catholic Primary are School Principal 2024 Meredith Grove, Classroom Teacher Deborah Whitfield, Classroom Teacher Leann Hansen, School Counsellor Melissa Davey and Outside School Hours Care Co-ordinator Ebony Johnson-Torr.
Further information about Rockhampton Catholic Education’s commitment to Student Protection is available here
Student protection and wellbeing are paramount in all Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Rockhampton. We place the highest priority on the safety and care of the children and young people. All children have a right to expect that the school will always do all that is possible to protect them from any harm and create safe learning environments.
St Francis Catholic Primary is committed to best practices in student protection and the development of proactive approaches to equip people with the skills and knowledge to identify risks of harm and respond appropriately. All school staff attend yearly training in student protection matters. The five staff members who are appointed as Student Protection Contacts receive comprehensive in-service.
All of our volunteers must engage in our Annual Volunteer Induction which includes information about our Student Protection and Workplace Health and Safety Guidelines. All volunteers are required to sign in and out at the office please.

Samantha Suthers

Deborah Whitfield

Leann Hansen

Ebony Johnson-Torr